Speaking Offerings

Interactive Lesson

30 to 45min presentation to an individual class group, including link/video or power point visual on the discussion topic, and including question and answer time.

This can be tailored to the curriculum (inclusion, individuality, stereotypes and perception) or “My Life”, a lived experience. Who I am and how I have navigated different times (younger years vs teenage years) and obstacles in my life.

From $250

Custom Arrangements

Discover what Madi is most passionate about. Receive a theme presentation on a couple of important topics that signifies the whole mission of Madi’s journey and topics Madi believes needs to be centre of thinking today.

From $150

Larger Presentations

Whole Year Group or Entire School Group Talks can also be arranged, and individual prices can be discussed for these.

Family Lived Experience

45min to 1hr combined presentation from myself and my Carer (my mother). Including question and answer time.

An intimate look at how disability has affected the family dynamic, what we’ve learned. What worked and how the future looks.

From $300